Resources and activities to show that attaining a college education is possible no matter the background
Teachers and educators can choose from a variety of lesson plans specifically designed for College Day. Our website provides support materials including handouts, posters, games, and other resources to help students prepare for college.
College Day Site Coordinators should look out for the College Day Kit, which all Santa Clara county schools will receive in September. The kit includes College Day Posters and giveaways to encourage students to participate in College Day.

Every year, College Day features a different theme to encourage thousands of K-12 students in Santa Clara County to apply for a college and career pathway.
Many admins, teachers and students have been creating their own posters during College Day. You can do the same by clicking the link below to print your own 8-1/2" x 11” poster to hang in your classroom.

There are lots of ways for parents and teachers to engage students and impact their futures by participating in College Day. Here are some things to try out:
Wear clothing from your alma mater or favorite college
Post pictures from your alma mater or favorite college
Describe your own college experience to students
Share fun facts about going to college