49ers STEM Leadership Institute
Multi-year STEM enrichment, skills training, & leadership development across middle and high school
The Program
The 49ers STEM Leadership Institute (SLI) provides multi-year, year-round academic support, STEM enrichment, skills training, and leadership opportunities to students in middle and high school.
In the program from 7th through 12th grade, students enroll at Cabrillo Middle School and then Santa Clara High School, where they take SLI-specific math & science classes and then AP Seminar and AP Research their junior and senior years respectively. In addition, students commit annually to 300+ hours of program learning time in addition to their typical school hours. By cultivating student mastery in STEM subjects and in key skill areas, the program prepares students for college and empowers them to pursue their passions; so that they may become the well-rounded leaders of the future.
In-School & Extended Hours Programming

Our Impact
Shifting the way students learn and teachers teach STEM and soft-skills in public school
SLI has given me the opportunity to immerse myself in a community that constantly pushes me to grow in every way possible.
— Kylie, SLI Class of 2020
My experiences in SLI helped me to learn more about myself, develop a passion for the sciences, and cultivate essential life skills, such as communication and critical thinking.
— John, SLI Class of 2020
Inspiring. Unique. Driving. Motivational. And above all, life-changing… SLI inspired me to create, taking the most unique approaches to problems that surfaced and challenges we were required to solve.
— Ian, SLI Class of 2020
After six years in a supportive community of peers and lots of practice with public speaking, I’ve become a confident presenter; I can fluidly express myself, take charge of group projects delegate tasks equitably, and enjoy collaborating with others.
— Vibha, SLI Class of 2020
It's incredible to think how many opportunities SLI has given me, but more than that, I'm amazed that I've been able to form such close bonds with so many high-achieving, talented individuals.
— Vincent, SLI Class of 2020
The 49ers STEM Leadership Institute has pushed me to step out of my comfort zone, value my independence and chase my goals with purpose.
— Anjali, SLI Class of 2020
While I can't wait to accomplish great things in life, I will never forget the real-life skills, core values, and confidence that I've developed in the past six years.
— Rohan, SLI Class of 2020
Who We Are
The program’s administrative team works to facilitate extended learning time, the use of lab technologies, workshops, field trips, competitions, and industry partnerships; as well as other administrative support.

SLI's highly-trained district teachers collaborate on a daily basis to deliver robust interdisciplinary programming that utilizes project-based, experiential learning with real world context.

The 49ers STEM Leadership Institute is made possible by the strong partnership between Silicon Valley Education Foundation, 49ers Foundation, Chevron, and the Santa Clara Unified School District.

Students apply to the program in the late fall of their sixth grade year in order to start the program in 7th grade. We also accept transfer applications from current 7th, 8th, and 9th grade students.
Apply to join in the 2025-26 school year:
6th grade application are due December 1st, 2024
7th, 8th, & 9th grade applications are due February 1st, 2025
What does our admissions process look like?
Submit Application
After submitting their written responses, selected students will be invited to interview
Student Interviews
Welcome Meeting & 6-year Commitment
Written Responses
After submitting their initial application, ALL students submit written responses
Location & Contact
Contact Email
Cabrillo Middle School
& Santa Clara High School
Special thanks to Danielle B. (SLI Class of 2021) for her support in building the SLI webpages for this website.

Gold Bell Award
SLI received the prestigious Golden Bell Award, the highest honor from the state, in 2019
6-year Program
SLI tracks and supports students' growth in hard & soft skills from 7th grade through 12th grade.
Program Core Values
Collaborative Spirit, Risk Taking, Passion, Communication, Creativity, Curiosity, Determination, Leadership, & Initiative
Added Teacher Support
SLI's district teachers have an additional 250+ hours every year to develop interdisciplinary curriculum, support students' needs, & train in new technology & practices.
College & Career Readiness
Built around STEM subjects, design thinking, soft-skills, our fabrication labs, industry speakers and events, team work, college workshops, and culminating research projects, SLI prepares its students to be critical thinkers and leaders in whatever field(s) they pursue.

Cohort Model
By participating in SLI for six years, students benefit from a supportive, close-knit, network of like-minded peers.