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SESSION 2: Teaching for Equity and Engagement

Th 3, 05 thg 12


Location is TBD

Presented by SVEF and Santa Clara County Office of Education, the Assessment for Learning (AFL) Series in mathematics is a free series to educators that aims to highlight performance assessments in which students carry out tasks that require them to show evidence of their learning.

Thời gian & Địa điểm

16:00 05 thg 12, 2023 – 18:00 PST

Location is TBD

Giới thiệu về sự kiện

What is Assessment for Learning Series?  Assessment for mathematical learning is more than a classroom practice. It is an interrelated set of practices, processes, and enabling conditions with the power to deepen students’ development of knowledge and skills, foster greater ownership and agency over learning, and create equitable classrooms, schools, and systems.  

Presented by Silicon Valley Education Foundation and Santa Clara County Office of Education, the Assessment for Learning (AFL) Series in mathematics is a free series to educators that aims to highlight performance assessments in which students carry out tasks that require them to show evidence of their learning. Assessment items address key concepts drawn directly on curriculum content students are learning. All participants are asked to administer and score grade-level assessments using rubrics developed collaboratively by teachers. Evaluation of student work is calibrated to ensure consistency.  Workshops are subject to rescheduling or cancellation if a minimum number of participants have not registered ten (10) working days prior to the event.  

Eastside Alliance (ESA) Educators are compensated $50/hr for attending every AFL series session.   

Grade levels: TK - 12  

Target audience: teachers, instructional coaches and administrators  

Contact: Salma Vizcaya at

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